Friday, February 29, 2008

the missionary

Hey wasup, hows everybody been???
good i hope.

So i just wanted to tell you more about life on campus. A couple of weeks ago i was walking to my biology class cutting through the union. As i was making a turn, a man stopped me and asked, "do you study the bible?" i answered by telling him that i have studied it before but that i studied it through my religion. he said o r u christian, i said no i am Jewish. so he replied to that by saying do you have a relationship with god. i had to respond by saying, "yea he and i are pretty tight." he chuckled while giving me the look of death, and then said," but do you have the relationship that your ancestors had, like that of Abraham and Isaac." I said if you mean like i talk to god in full fledged conversations, then no. so he moves to tell me that right you don't know but you can. he went to say that the reason i cant is. . . and i stopped him there. i interjected and said let me guess, the reason i cant is because of my sins. he stood in shock. then i said, but if i turn to Jesus, the man who died for the people's sins, god will talk to me again. the man became ecstatic, like he had just saved a soul, and was like so you already know and do except Jesus. instead of answering i asked him a question. i asked, " isn't it true that the messiah must come from the blood line of king David, through Solomon, on his fathers side? the man said yes very much so. so then i asked him, well then if that is true, then how is Jesus the messiah, he didn't have a father. Instead of proposing an answer, the man said to me how about we sit and have lunch and talk about it. I said well i have class but if you could give me your e-mail then yes i will. he did give me his e-mail, and as i turned the corner, it accidentally fell out of my hands into the trashcan. The point of this story was not to scare you away from colleges because there are missionaries. the point was to inform you that yes they are there, but you can make decisions for yourself. that if they do approach you, don't be closed and mean, but don't let them sway your beliefs. be proud of who you are.

College life can be stressful, for example this past Wednesday night i didn't sleep to study for an exam. but you can get through anything, and your connection with god shouldn't effect your school. missionaries feel it is their liefs work to save the souls of non-believers, and they will tell you anything to make you feel like you religious life now is shitty and causing you to not succeed in life. don't let them fool you, you can decide for yourself, that's why god gave you a head. lol

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